Saturday, April 30, 2016

(Everybody was) Fugu Fighting

This was the game I worked on for Nordic Game Jam 2016 - one of the biggest game jams I have attended yet (there were over a thousand jammers at the site!). The theme of the jam was 'Leak'. After deciding to stay clear of some very straight-forward interpretations of what that meant (e.g. a game where you leak documents to the public, or a game where you have to fix a boat while it's leaking), our team ended up making a multiplayer game in which two blowfish fight to the death. Check out the game here:


I was mainly in charge of sound design (which has become my de-facto role in game jams, since there often aren't that many sound people in attendance) - so many of the sound effects (obtained by a few hours with a balloon and a microphone) and the music were created by me. During this jam, I decided to work with new people rather than familiar faces, and we all clicked pretty well! It's definitely something I will try more of in future...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

"The Saga of Anders Bluebeard"

This was the game I worked on for Splash Jam 2016 - probably one of the most unique game jams I have attended, since it all took place on board a cruise ship. The theme was "Beginnings". The team I was with decided to make a game that is a tutorial all the way to the end, and then we took that initial idea and added a couple of twists. Check out the game here:


For a change, I did not do two things that I'm normally in charge of - game design and writing - and I tried my hand at two things I hadn't done before - programming and voice-acting (including the goat!). The end result was a lot better than I expected, especially since I had to figure out how to use Gamemaker Studio without the help of the Internet (the wifi on the ship never worked for me) and somehow hammer out this game in just two days.